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Blood Shot: Enemies

health, nav, spawn and damage and animation
Blood Shot is a Interaccess Media Arts Prize nominated first-person shooter game made in Unity, solo-developed from scratch and inspired by Star Fox, Playstation 1 games and medical photography techniques.
To differentiate the gameplay in different levels, 5 different enemy types were created, with their own look, animations and behaviours.
Once dragged into the level, enemies snap to a position in the procedurally generated level and spawn when the player is near.

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As the player is pushed down the level's tunnel, enemies go in an oncoming direction, damaging the player on collision or damaging the "host" if they make it past the player.

As the player is pushed down the level's tunnel, enemies go in an oncoming direction, damaging the player on collision or damaging the "host" if they make it past the player.

Enemy 1: Shader jitters vertices and adds highlight to surface points furthest from centre. A smaller enemy that pivots around the centre of the tunnel and dies in just one hit.

Enemy 1: Shader jitters vertices and adds highlight to surface points furthest from centre. A smaller enemy that pivots around the centre of the tunnel and dies in just one hit.

Enemy 2: A snake-like enemy that randomly changes directions, whose tail is procedurally animated to trail behind it.

Enemy 2: A snake-like enemy that randomly changes directions, whose tail is procedurally animated to trail behind it.

Enemy 3: Animated with blendshapes, this large torus rolls up the level and requires two hits to die.

Enemy 3: Animated with blendshapes, this large torus rolls up the level and requires two hits to die.

Enemy 4: "Blooms" open when near the player, can only die when hit while the core is exposed.

Enemy 4: "Blooms" open when near the player, can only die when hit while the core is exposed.

Enemy 5: Spikes anchor this enemy in place, causing damage if the player collides with its arms. On being shot, it retracts its spikes which then each randomly animated between retracted and extended blendshapes.

Enemy 5: Spikes anchor this enemy in place, causing damage if the player collides with its arms. On being shot, it retracts its spikes which then each randomly animated between retracted and extended blendshapes.

On dying, enemies release a particle burst and a shader shrinks down each triangle on its surface until the enemy dissapears.

On dying, enemies release a particle burst and a shader shrinks down each triangle on its surface until the enemy dissapears.